2023 February Little Carpenter
Posted onHey y’all, here is the Little Carpenter from February, it includes information on Fellowship and more! 2023 February Little Carpenter -Aidan Queen/ VCC
Hey y’all, here is the Little Carpenter from February, it includes information on Fellowship and more! 2023 February Little Carpenter -Aidan Queen/ VCC
Hey Y’all, The following link is the May Little Carpenter within the document is awards our Lodge earned at Conclave and some other information about Summer Events. Enjoy! Jayden Loftis – VCC 2022 May Little Carpenter
Hello everyone here is the February Edition of The Little Carpenter. YIS, Jayden Loftis
Hello Arrowmen! The 2022 Dues and Events have been updated and can be found at the following link: Please pay your dues this year and sign up for events before its too late! Yours In Brotherhood, Jayden Loftis, VCC
Hello Brothers! Its time for another edition of The Little Carpenter. With this edition it has lots of information based off past and future events, dates for the 2022 calendrer, awards presented, and the vigil 2021 class. Enjoy! -Jayden Loftis (Vice Chief Of Communications 2021) 2021 Fall Little Carpenter
Hello Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge! This is a reminder that the Spring Fellowship/Ordeal will be happening this weekend! Chapters and members prepare for Fun, Spirit, and Service! The Lodge Officers are looking forward to seeing every Chapter perform their best since the pandemic! Chapters good news! You can decorate the mess hall to your Themes […]
Hello everyone! Its that time of the Season for the next Little Carpenter. Please using the following link see the latest and updated Little Carpenter! If you have any questions about the Latest little carpenter please send me an email (VCC@akk185.org) -Jayden Loftis, Vice Chief of Communications 2021 Spring Little Carpenter
Hey folks its that time of the season, the 2021 Winter Little Carpenter is out! Please check it out for some updates, information, and reports from the Lodge Officers. Inside this wonderfully crafted document is all the information you will need. If you have any further questions please email a Lodge Officer. If the Question […]
Arrowmen, As we grow closer to the Cornerstone Conclave those who wish to attend need to register! Registration for the Conclave is due January 30th! Please register on black pug. https://scoutingevent.com/551-2021CornerstoneConclave For those who don’t know what a Conclave is, it’s the yearly event which Section SR-5 that AttaKullaKulla Lodge is a part of, has […]
Hello Brothers, By clicking the following links you will be able to access documents that allow you to pay for your dues and events for the 2022 year. After careful consideration with the increases in the BSA Scouting fee increases, Atta Kulla Kulla has decided to increase dues from $10 to$12. Fellowships $32 to $45 […]