Alertness to the needs of others is the mark of the Vigil Honor. It calls for an individual with an unusual awareness of the possibilities within each situation.
The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. Membership cannot be won by a person’s conscious endeavors.
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to their Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, the Scouting community, and/or their Scout Camp.
Under no circumstances should tenure in Scouting or the Order of the Arrow be considered as reason enough for a Vigil Honor recommendation.
Any member of the Order of the Arrow registered in Scouting and in good standing in a regularly chartered lodge is eligible for recommendation to the National Order of the Arrow Committee for elevation to the Vigil Honor provided that, at the time of the recommendation, the individual has been a Brotherhood member for a minimum of two years. A lodge may nominate a maximum of two percent of their registered Arrowmen once a year, through the Vigil Honor petition. At least 50 percent of all nominated must be under 21 at the time of nomination.

Recipient / Translation of Indian Name / * – deceased
Elijah Aiken / Servant of the Lord
Hayley Morton / Silent Servant
Don Kauffman / Harmonious Teacher
Elizabeth Stokes / Determined One
Joshua Browning / Hidden Servant
Rose Reese / Guide for the Future
Aidan Queen / Diligent Dancer
Bennett Tollison / Listening Storyteller
Evan Francis / Cheerful Servant of the Lord
Marty Green / Quiet Craftsman
John Harris / Faithful Father of Youths
Parker Harris / Tranquil Brother
Noah Schmidt / Listener Of Nature
Jackson Schumars / Mighty Speaker
Wilson Stokes / Cheerful Dancer
Bob Griffin / Wise Loyal Servant
Tommy Howell / Quiet Dedicated Friend
Jeff Schumars / Cheerful Warrior
Jarin Kujath/ Quiet Willing Leader
Garret Dean/ Dedicated Friend
Hank Thomas/ Excited One
JD Whitt/ Helpful Advisor
Mills Grant/ Generous Leader
Austin Silvers/ Humble Dedicated Servant
Aidan Koschnitzki/ Strong Prepared Leader
Joshua Kirchner/ Happy Helpful Dedicated Warrior
Chase Kuhlman/ One Who Carries The Torch
Zachary Pynne/ Joyful Guide Who Is Prepared
*John Boseman/ Quiet Messenger
Tim Silvers/ He Who Has Good Spirit
Josh Ammons/ Bearded Collector Of Whippoorwills
Mike Ingram/ Valuable Teacher Of Eagles
Stewart Crandall/ Humble Worker Serving God
Delaney Smith/ Loyal Brothre with Mighty Heart
Scott Crandall/ Leader from the shadows
Chris Ammons/ Youthful Collector of Whippoorwills
Kris Gilmer/ Patient Cheerful Friend
Lawrence Coleman/ Diligent Servant
Robert Trebilcock/ Faithfull Advisor
Scott Clark/ Encouraging Storyteller
Arthur Louis Brock/ Excited Guard
James Robert “JR” Clark / Commited Hard Worker
Nolan James Worthy/ Trusted Eagle
Sandra Rice/ Quiet Servant
Michael Kujath/ Happy one Who Does Good
Gary L. Dean/ Devoted Friendly Servant
Stephen H. Broadwater, Sr./ Woodworking Groundhog Advisor
Dylan Wilcox/ Knowledgeable Creator (unable to attend planned Induction in 2017)
Ben Rosenberger/ Encouraging Servant of the Lord
David Romba/ Knowledgeable Guide of the Wolves
Jake Rice/ Spirited Leader of our Tradition
Justin Kujath/ Medicine Man who Seeks to Serve
Ed Patton/ Wise Leader of Eagles
Cindy Carter/ Selfless Friend of Heritage
Sean Dobbins/ Collector of Memories
George Sweet/ He Who Builds to Lofty Heights
*Ben Howard/ Sleepy Dancer
Ben Howard, a youth member of the lodge, was chosen as a Vigil Honor Candidate at the 2016 Vigil Honor Nominating Committee meeting prior to his unexpected death a month later. At the Lodge Vigil Honor Callout on July 20 after the other candidates had been called out, the Vigil Chief of the Fire presented a unique Vigil Honor sash made in his honor to the Howard family. The sash was embroidered on both sides – one with his name, the other with his chosen Indian name.
Michael Ward/ Friendly Companion
Jakob Helderman/ Spirited Servant
Luke Howell/ Funny One
Tucker Shealy/ Fast-Talking Worker
Phillip Kilgore/ Valuable Counselor
Richard Turner/ Humble Servant
Bill Mulligan/ Reliable Teacher
Tom Moran/ Quiet Builder
David Bush / Maker of Whippoorwills
Daniel Howard / Quiet Humble Leader
John Flint / Determined Ceremony Chief
Zachary Kelly / Diligent Guide
Mike Butler/ Diligent Head Chief
Fred Hyslop Jr. / Thoughtful Counselor
James Holscher / Determined Hard Worker
David Andrews Jr. / Trusted Lifesaver
Matthew Watson / Guard Who Leads Quietly
James Stokes / Big Willing Leader
Drew Davis / Quiet Committed Leader
David Hollar / Humble Servant of Youth
Trey Moran / Cheerful Cook (unable to attend initial Induction in 2012)
Dr. James Blake / Guardian of Knowledge
Patrick Buchanan / Witty Musician
Macon McLean / Deep Thinker
David Buchanan / Accomplished Leader
Paul Vance Cason III / Strong Hearted Friend
Austin Couch / Atheletic One Who Does Good Work
Ronald Fisher / High-Flying Spirit
Trent Gillingham / Red Headed Wilderness Physician
Katherine Hollifield / Hard-Working Giver of Hospitality
Kyle Stevens / Humble Dancer of Tradition
David White / Outgoing Supporter of Youth
Josh Ambrose / Builder of Fires in the Wilderness
Philip Calabro / Showman who Creates with his Hands
Jim Culwell / Determined Encouraging Father
Johnny Culwell / Calm Minded Singer
Tracy Davis / Caring Mother in Brotherhood
Chad Duggins / Detailed Adviser
Bill Dukes / Physician with a Big Heart
DJ Higginbotham / Enthusiastic Dancer
Dan Newsome / Wise Advisor of the Shows
Nate Newsome / One who leads into Shallow Water
James Loveless / Bearded Counselor of the Mind
Tyler White / Teacher Who Dances Quietly
Brian Almond / He who Speaks by the Drum
Glenn Davis / Committed Cheerful Adviser
Tucker Allendorf / Night Traveler Bringing Happiness
Adam Harbert / Servant Leader of Youth
Marshall Gagne / Cheerful Leader of the Drum
Josh Bouldin / Frequent Travelling Wise Adviser
Darrell Green / Adviser Who Serves Cheerfully
Scott Kilgore / Committed Leader of Youth
Nick Basinger / Concerned Paddler
Paul Best / Patient Teacher
Eric Buchanan / Happy Quiet Man
Jim Guirl / He Who Exerts Himself Joyfully
Joshua Hipps / Quiet Determined Chief
Pat Long / Creative Servant of the Lord
Brandon Miller / Loyal Leader Who is Firm
Stephen Moorehead / Encouraging Healer
Garrett Riddle / Willing One Who is Outgoing
Terry Rogers / Enlightened Builder
Jason Smith / Cheerfully Spirited One
Bob Spickard / Humble Friend
Tim Poole / Cheerful Servant of Youth
Dennis Barnes / Loyal Helper
Matthews Barnes / Leader Who Paddles
Will Martin Jr. / Spiritual Adviser
Will Martin III / Quiet Leader Who Does Good Work
Mark Richie / Adventurous Singer
Jonathan Runge / Friendly Adviser
Shaun Armistead / Adventurous Dancer
Greg Bajan / Ceremonial Dancer
Jay Best / Meticulous Father
Russell Buchanan / Teacher of Handiwork
Adam Fenton / Leader of Spirit
Keith Sperry / Worker of Faith
Zach Stancel / Joyful Cook
Jim Tenney / Prepared Ceremonialist
Andrew Cousins / Dedicated Servant
TJ Best / Dependable Friend
Mike Cousins / Father of Eagles
Charlie Warlick / Faithful Example
10/ 12/2003
Ryan Bajan / Loyal Leader Who Dances
Hamilton Barnes / Friendly Talker
Matthew Cousins / Strong Quiet Leader
Andrew Roling / Younger One Who Does Good Work
Russell Hedden / Studious Leader
Russell Parker / Quiet Worker
Virginia Matthews / Nurturing Dancer
Jim Hulls / Dedicated Servant
Richard Koontz / Builder of Spirit
Jeremy Baker / Worthy Warrior
Dan Atkinson / Joyful Leader
Bob Cooper / One Who Aids the Spirit
Matthew Hedden / Quiet Devoted Leader
Robbie Hill / Loyal Servant of Youth
Karl Nolte / Creative Builder
Barratt Park / Happy Leader
Jeff Pekarek / Strong Dancer Who Serves Others
Ben Pochardt / Willing Servant
Justin Rakey / Cheerful Servant
Vic Shelburne / Loyal Servant
Phillip Johnson / Joyful Worker
Heath Ramey / Determined Leader
Russell Smart / Valuable Accomplished Leader
Peter Villano / Spiritual Dancer
Gene Wilson / To Create With The Mind
Pat Curry / Accomplished Head Chief
Aaron Barefield / Quiet Loyal Worker
Larry Kennedy / One Who Takes Part In Good Work
Chris Maxey / One Who Gives Back to the Order
*Roger Visage / Good Willing Worker
Matt Wade / Reliable One
Ed Fenton / Fast Talker
Michael Kirby / Quiet Leader
Johnny Ray Smith / Loyal Worker
John Michael Thompson / Humble Leader
Dewey Barefield / Reliable One
Gary Greer / One Who Does Great Wonders
Travis Greer / He Who Does Good For Others
Jeremy Hayes / Willing One
William Couch / Kind Hearted
Jeremy Crisp / Servant of Faith
Jimmie Green / Honorable Cook
Charlie King / Sparkling Leader
Neil Pittman / Teacher of Spirit
Randy Rouse / He Who Gives of Himself Willingly
Rhett Baker / Determined Climber
Gage Smith / One With Good Spirit
Danny Cooper / Useful Leader
Tommy Smith / One Who Encourages
Vicki Smith / One Who Sacrifices
Jimmy Maxey / Friendly One
Chris Alex / Cheerful Thinker
Michael Ammons / Determined Leader
Jim Feusse / Servant of the Lord
Donnie McEntyre / Valuable One
Nick Schnauffer / Trusted Brother
Stephen Sherriff / Bear
Kurt Yusi / He Who is Prepared
Chris Constant / Marksman
Marshall Farmer / Strong One
Trey Garland / Cheerful Cook
*Don Goerke / Elder Teacher
*Tom Miller / Prepared Leader
Ben Muldrow / Accomplished Dancer
Ryan Sanford / Energetic Laborer
Jody Ray Smith / He Who Makes Others Happy
*Bob Barmore / Builder
Bobby Byers / Servant of the Lord
Russell Cann / Fixed In Purpose
Tim Cooper / He Who Gives Of Himself To Others
Michael Gasper / He Who Goes Swiftly
Seth Patterson / Patient Worker
*Bud Pendergrass / One Who Does Good For Others
Chip Stockman / Thoughtful One
Matt Kubler / Humble Friend
Jeremy Stone / To Be Determined
Eric Blore / One Who Creates With Hands
Bob Brown / Firm Believer
Danny Cassell / Mighty and Powerful One
*Harry Heinzer / Accomplished Elder
Chuck Young / One Who Can Be Trusted
*Wayne Young / One Who Treats Others Generously
David Cassell / Forceful One
J.W. Cassell / One Who Instructs
Andy Chamblee / Fast Runner
DeWayne Cox / Gentle One
Charles Moehlenbrock / Determined Dancer
Chris Muldrow / He Who Serves Willingly
Robby Brady / Quiet Worker
Tim Keaton / Joyful One
Lee McAbee / Diligent One
Todd Shealy / Earnest One
Pete Thibodeau / Thinker
John Thompson / Concerned, He Who is Concerned
Richard Moore / Bear
Trey Skardon / Good, He Who Does Good For Others
Jimmy Stepp / Worker, Hard Worker
David Abercrombie/ Helper
Roy Baker/ Worthy One
John Ireland/ Hard Worker
Hamp Johnson/ Brother
Greg Moore/ Helpful One
Michael Thompson/ Reliable One
Frankie Welborn/ Leader
No Awards Given
Pat Cromer/ Hard Worker
Pat Lollis/ One Who Creates With Mind
Reed Miller/ Diligent One
*Peter Villano/ He Who Makes
Steve Greer/ Dancer
Dennis Walker/ Happy One
Buster Andrews/ One Who Does Good Work
Steve Epton/ He Who Makes Others Happy
Ches Martin/ Trustworthy One
*Charles Partain/ Bear
Michael Stokes/ Companion
Andy Swords/ One Who Enjoys
Tim Williams/ High Minded One
Tim Hunt / Teacher
James L. Johnson / Willing One
Art McCraw / Calm-Minded One
Tim Scott / Friendly One
Jody Tinsley / One Who Enjoys
Jimmy Worthy / Helpful One
John Worthy / One Who Can Be Trusted
Billy Bagwell/ One Who Cares
Tracy Brock/ Modest One
Warren Hoster, Jr./ Elder
Warren Hoster III/ Cook
Joe Black / Friendly One
David Dixon / Inquirer
Tim Dixon / Reliable One
Scott Madding / He Who Is Concerned
Lorin McCollough / Toiler
Harry Nicholson / Willing One
Mac McLean (received in Santee Lodge)
James O’Connor / Diligent One (received in Talidandaganu’ Lodge)
James Forrester/ Eagle
Haskell Lollis
*Juan Ramos
Walter Gerald (received in Santee Lodge 116)
Arthur Jayroe
*David Peden
Steve Walker/ Diligent One
David Bowen/ Otter
Brent Garvin / He Has Strong Arms
*Ted Dreibrodt/ One Who Aids (received in Echockotee Lodge 200)
Bobby Bain/ Honest
George Grant JR. / Climber
*Ben Edwards (received in Echockotee Lodge 200)
*Ernie Bailey
Ronnie Smith/ Fire Maker
James Ross/ Waterfall (received in Yustaga Lodge 385)
Dr. Emerson Rabon/ Maker (received in Unali’Yi Lodge 236)
Kirk Sullivan (first AKK Vigil recipient)