Hello Brothers, our Lodge will be 75 years old in 2015 and this year, the One Eight Five Store has a large selection of limited edition merchandise highlighting this very historical milestone for our Lodge. These pre-ordered products will be delivered at the 75th Anniversary Cookout this summer on July 22nd.
This merchandise is limited to pre-sales only and very few quantities of items will be left over for purchase. The cut-off date for this order has be extended to May 15th 2015. A special 75th anniversary catalog featuring images of the items available and the official order form are attached. You may also pre-order items online through this link:
There was a slight typo on the hard copy of the catalog at the LLDC and Banquet but an updated version is attached (The challenger coin will be sold for $12.50 as it appears on the order form, not $10). WWW
In Cheerful Service,
Matthew Watson
Lodge Vice Chief of Communications,
Marketing Committee Chairman
75 Anniversary Order Form – Revised
75th Anniversary Catalog