Fellow Arrowmen, the Carolina Indian Seminar is quickly approaching us. For the Arrowmen who are interested, pay close attention. CIS will be on Jan. 22th-24th weekend in Statesville, NC. The AIA team is planning on going up there that Saturday and coming home the following morning.
For those of you interested it’s basically a bunch of American Indian Affairs Activities that we can do. It is a great way for our AIA team to remain on top of it’s game, for they have ceremony classes, regalia making, and all sorts of stuff for us to try out and see what we can bring back to our lodge.
I encourage all of you to tag along. For any question referring to price please contact Mr. Gary Dean or Mrs. Lori Maguire, both of there contacts will be at the end of this email. Don’t forget you don’t know if you like something until you try it out. So get your feet wet and come hangout with us for a day! I hope to see you all there!
Mr. Gary Dean: (864)451-1028
Mrs. Lori Maguire (864)608-7268
Jake Rice