Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge is involved in several service projects throughout the year:
Lodge Workday
Yearly, AKK sponsors a workday at Camp Old Indian to clean up and get ready for the upcoming campers in the winter and summer.
Ca-Nu-Pa’s Service to Veterans
In November, Ca Nu Pa Chapter members visit the Richard Michael Campbell Veterans Nursing Home in Anderson. Every year, the Chapter does this, delivering gift bags for the residents in Honor of Veterans Day. Months are spent collecting items, ranging from mint candies, socks, DVD’s, sodas and various other foods.
Gobbler Grab
Every year since 1997, Arrowmen from Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge collect turkeys to feed the needy in Upstate South Carolina. The Gobbler Grab started in Ani-Wa-Ya Chapter, but now the entire Lodge has joined in. The success of this project resulted in feeding thousands of needy families, an article in the March-May 2002 issue of the OA National Bulletin (page 5), and required shipping some frozen turkeys as far away as Charlotte, NC to have room to store them.
Good Fellows Food Distribution
Food and other items are organized in boxes and distributed to needy families identified by the Salvation Army at the Palmetto Center in Greenville, SC each December.
Links for service Opportunities in the upstate of South Carolina
Greenville Volunteer Opportunities