Meet the Lodge Officers

Current officers were elected September 21th, 2024 but the term didn’t start until January 1st 2025. 

Lodge Chief: Lucia Guastaferro

Honor: Brotherhood 
The Lodge Chief is in charge of making sure things go smoothly in the Lodge and oversees overall Officers and Committees.


Vice Chief of Administration: Christopher Purcell

Honor: Brotherhood

The Vice Chief of Administration is in charge of all of the events held by the Lodge as well as filling in when the chief is absent.


Vice Chief of American Indian Activities: Bennett Tollison

Honor: Vigil
The Vice Chief of American Indian Activities is in charge of all of the Native American studies and practices of the Lodge including ceremonies and the AIA pageant during Summer Camp.


Vice Chief of Communications: Cooper Cruce

Honor: Brotherhood
The Vice Chief of Communications is in charge of all communications of the Lodge and publishing a quarterly newsletter.


Vice Chief of Inductions: Barrett Marpes

Honor: Brotherhood
The Vice Chief of Inductions is in charge of all inductions of new Ordeal members and Brotherhood advancement in the lodge.


Vice Chief of Conclave and Spirit: Evan Lynch

Honor: Brotherhood
The Vice Chief of Conclave and Spirit deals with all matters related to Conclave and NOAC, is the youth contingent leader for NOAC, and is in charge of lodge spirit.


Secretary: Mason LaConto

Honor: Brotherhood
The Secretary of the Lodge is in charge of the budget of the Lodge and keeps detailed records of Lodge functions.
