Lodge Code of Conduct:
The general welfare of this group depends on the conduct of the individual members. This ensures the success of our Lodge fellowships and provides the maximum benefit to every participant. As an Arrowman, I understand this and support the reasonable demands of conduct expected of me.
AS A MEMBER of the Order of the Arrow, I will:
- Observe the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow.
- Wear my official uniform and regulation sash throughout Lodge functions unless otherwise directed by the Vice-Chief of Administration.
- Attend planned and general training sessions.
- Confine the trading and swapping of Scout related items to free periods and designated areas.
- Be personally responsible for breakage, damage, or loss of property.
- Observe quiet hours and lights out hours.
- Keep my quarters clean and dispose of trash in the proper places.
- Not change my officially assigned cabin, tent, or campsite without permission. (Emergency calls, etc.)
- Allow no unregistered person to remain in camp unless approved by the Key 3 (Lodge Chief, Lodge Advisor, Lodge Staff Advisor).
- Wear suitable covering in the campsites and to and from the latrine.
- Observe all rules regarding the use of the shooting range.
- Understand that the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs at Lodge events will not be permitted. This standard applies to all participants, both youth and adult.
- Respect Lodge rules prohibiting the use of fireworks, firearms, and gambling.
- Respect the general Camp Old Indian rule prohibiting the use of vehicles in campsites.
- Not be authorized to sell items at Lodge events. I understand that the official trading post/Scout shop will be the only way to purchase items at Lodge events.
- Not leave Camp Old Indian during Lodge events without obtaining permission from members of the Key 3.
- Be generally considerate of others and their chosen beliefs and practices.
Lodge Bylaws (Updated November 2023):
- This Order of the Arrow Lodge Number 185 shall be known as the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge.
- The totem of the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge shall be the Whippoorwill.
- This Lodge shall be affiliated with the Blue Ridge Council, Scouting America, and shall be under the supervision of the Council Camping Committee and the administrative authority of the Council Scout Executive.
- To be an active brother in the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge, an Arrowman shall be registered with Scouting America and shall have paid his/her current Lodge dues.
- An inactive brother shall be restored to active status by paying current dues, provided the inactive brother is currently registered with Scouting America. This provision of registration in Scouting America is validated by the Lodge Secretary prior to the brother returning to active status.
- The Lodge Secretary shall be able to accept transfers at his/her own discretion.
- This Lodge shall follow the rules in the latest printing of the ORDER OF THE ARROW HANDBOOK concerning the election of Ordeal candidates.
- Ordeal members who meet the requirements for Brotherhood Membership shall be given the opportunity to seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow at the Spring Fellowship or Fall Fellowship. Offsite Brotherhood Questioning may be held at any time as long as a Lodge Officer (or active youth Vigil Honor member of Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge), adult representative, and youth witnesses are present. Arrowmen who pass Questioning outside Lodge events must go through the Brotherhood ceremony within one year of the Questioning.
- Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge adheres to national policy regarding the selection and induction of Vigil Honor candidates. This information is printed in the current edition of the GUIDE FOR OFFICERS AND ADVISORS.
- The seven officials of this Lodge are as follows:
- Lodge Chief
- Vice-Chief of Administration
- Vice-Chief of American Indian Activities
- Vice-Chief of Communication
- Vice-Chief of Inductions
- Vice-Chief of Conclave and Spirit
- Lodge Secretary
- The Vice-Chief of Administration, Vice-Chief of American Indian Activities, Vice-Chief of Communication, Vice-Chief of Inductions, and Vice-Chief of Conclave and Spirit are of equal rank and status, except when the Lodge Chief is absent. Then, the Vice-Chief of Administration shall preside.
- The requirements of the Lodge Officers are as follows:
- Be a Brotherhood or Vigil Honor member currently registered with Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185.
- Be a registered member of the Blue Ridge Council.
- Serve previously as a Chapter Chief, Lodge Committee Chairman, or equivalent position in another Lodge for at least one term. The Lodge Chief must have served as a Lodge Officer for at least one year prior to the election.
- Be an active member of Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 and his/her chapter.
- Must have attended at least one Lodge Fellowship in the past year.
- Must be present at the time of election.
- Must be under 21 years of age for the entire term of office.
- It is suggested, but not required, for each elected Officer to work at Camp Old Indian the summer during their term if selected by the Camp Director.
- The term of the Lodge Officers shall be one year, beginning on January 1st of the year following their election and ending on December 31st of the same year. The Lodge Officers who were in the position prior to the election at Fall Fellowship shall stay in office until January 1st. During this time, the Lodge-Officer-Elects shall shadow the current Lodge Officers to ensure they understand their responsibilities. This rule also applies to Chapter Officers and Committee Chairmen.
- The duties of the LODGE CHIEF are as follows:
- Oversee the day-to-day running of the Lodge.
- Delegate unwritten duties to the other Lodge Officers in keeping with their jobs, provide assistance when necessary, and review reports from the Lodge Officers and Committees.
- Provide a written agenda to all Executive Committee members within seven (7) days prior to the Executive Committee Meeting.
- Remain informed of what is going on in the Lodge and make sure that other Lodge members are informed on all important matters.
- After the election of new Lodge Officers, properly train the other six Lodge Officers before the first Executive Committee Meeting.
- Train Chapter Chiefs and see that the Chapter Chiefs train the other Chapter Officers.
- Preside at all Executive Committee Meetings and all other Lodge functions.
- Serve on all committees as an ex officio member (by virtue of the office).
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following Committee(s):
- Vigil Honor Committee
- Represent the Lodge as a member of the Council Executive Board.
- The duties of the VICE-CHIEF OF ADMINISTRATION are as follows:
- Oversee the program at the following events:
- Lodge Leadership Development Conference (LLDC)
- Winter Banquet
- Spring Fellowship
- Lodge Cookout
- Fall Fellowship
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following Committee(s):
- Planning Committee
- Oversee the program at the following events:
- The duties of the VICE-CHIEF OF AMERICAN INDIAN ACTIVITIES are as follows:
- Ensure the Lodge is appropriately represented in all AIA areas at Council, Section, and National events.
- Advise Chapters and individual dancers on American Indian Activities.
- Work with his/her advisor to coordinate contingents such as the Carolinas Indian Seminar.
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following Committee(s):
- Ceremonies Committee
- Dance Committee
- Drum/Sing Committee
- The duties of the VICE-CHIEF OF COMMUNICATION are as follows:
- Collaborate with the Lodge Secretary to ensure the Lodge is informed of Executive Committee Meetings and Lodge events.
- Issue a Planbook to new members.
- Produce quarterly issues of the Lodge newsletter, the LITTLE CARPENTER, unless deadlines are set otherwise.
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following Committee(s):
- Camp Promotions Committee
- Web and Technology Committee
- Publications Committee
- The duties of the VICE-CHIEF OF INDUCTIONS are as follows:
- Ensure that inductions processes adhere to national guidelines.
- Along with the Lodge Secretary, work with Chapter Advisors to ensure that the proper elections are carried out and that all paperwork is submitted correctly and on time.
- Plan and organize suitable projects for candidates to complete during their Ordeal.
- Be aware of any and all medical conditions or religious practices that may have an effect on the running of the Ordeal.
- Organize and properly train Elangomats.
- Prepare grounds for induction ceremonies.
- Prepare the welcome banquet after the ceremonies.
- Promote Brotherhood conversion, and coordinate Brotherhood Questioning and review sessions.
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following committee(s):
- Service Committee
- Brotherhood Committee
- Inductions Committee
- The duties of the VICE-CHIEF OF CONCLAVE AND SPIRIT are as follows:
- Promote and plan any Section or National event (NOAC).
- Oversee and plan spirit-related activities during Lodge events.
- Appoint all Conclave Judges.
- Oversee the Lodge’s participation in Quest Event Activities at the Cornerstone Conclave.
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following committee(s):
- Design Committee
- Quest Event and Totem Pole Committee
- The duties of the LODGE SECRETARY are as follows:
- Keep the Executive Committee informed of the membership status and PMP progress of the Lodge.
- Inventory and make sure all supplies and merchandise are in stock before each function at which lodge supplies shall be for sale, and order items which are out of stock.
- Issue membership cards promptly upon receiving dues.
- Inform brothers when they become eligible for Brotherhood conversion (See ORDER OF THE ARROW HANDBOOK for requirements).
- Keep records of all business conducted by the Lodge, and keep minutes for all Executive Committee Meetings.
- Inform necessary brothers of Lodge Officer Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings within seven (7) days of that meeting.
- Assist the Lodge Chief and Lodge Advisor in applying for all Section, Regional, and National awards.
- Assist with check-in during Lodge events.
- Oversee the Chairmen of the following Committees:
- Unit Service and Elections Committee
- History Committee
- Candidates for Lodge Office shall be certified and validated by the Lodge Advisor concerning their eligibility.
- The Executive Committee has the power to remove ANY Lodge Officer from his/her elected position who, in their eyes, has not performed his/her duty. This can only be done after the approval of the Lodge Advisor and Lodge Staff Advisor, then by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of removal by the entire Executive Committee. A successor to any office shall be appointed by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the Executive Committee, Lodge Staff Advisor, and Lodge Advisor until the next election. A new Lodge Chief shall be appointed by the Executive Committee with a two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote toward the new “proposed” Lodge Chief, in the event that the present Lodge Chief is no longer able to fulfill the duties or obligations of the office. A Lodge Officer may resign by submitting a letter to the Key 3 of the Lodge, after which the Lodge Chief shall appoint a successor with the approval of the Executive Committee, Lodge Staff Advisor, and Lodge Advisor. This successor shall serve until the next election. If the Lodge Chief resigns, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor to fill his/her spot.
- All Lodge Officers must attend Officer Meetings, which are held monthly. If an Officer fails to attend more than two (2) of these meetings without prior approval from the Lodge Chief and his/her Advisor, this shall be considered a resignation from his/her office.
- Lodge Officers shall be elected in the following way:
- Upon arrival of candidates at each Fall Fellowship, each candidate must present proof of registration in Scouting America and the Order of the Arrow to the Lodge Advisor at check-in.
- Nominations for each position shall be opened at the morning and afternoon assemblies of Saturday of Fall Fellowship.
- The elections shall be carried out in the following order:
- Lodge Chief
- Vice-Chief of Administration
- Vice-Chief of American Indian Activities
- Vice-Chief of Communication
- Vice-Chief of Inductions
- Vice-Chief of Conclave and Spirit
- Lodge Secretary
- Each candidate shall be given two (2) minutes to speak prior to the election for the position he/she was nominated for.
- Only youth members under the age of 21 may cast a ballot, and each brother may vote for only one (1) candidate.
- The winner of each position’s election shall be announced prior to the election for the next position. Candidates who did not win the election for the position they were nominated for may drop down to the next position’s election.
- The seven officials of this Lodge are as follows:
- Committees make it easier to carry out the work of the Lodge.
- Committee assignments shall be split among the various Chapters to ensure adequate representation of each Chapter.
- The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Lodge shall be composed of the following:
- Lodge Officers
- Immediate Past Lodge Chief
- Lodge Advisor
- Lodge Staff Advisor
- Associate Lodge Advisors
- Chairmen of each ad hoc Committee (if any)
- Chairmen of each Standing Committee
- Chapter Chiefs (or duly appointed representatives)
- Chapter Advisors
- Committee Advisors
- The Standing Committees of Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 shall be as follows:
- The VIGIL HONOR COMMITTEE is responsible for nominating a yearly class of brothers for the Vigil Honor, the summer Vigil Honor Callout, and the induction at Fall Fellowship. As a part of the Vigil Honor Committee, a nominating committee shall be formed by the Vigil Honor Committee Chairman and will meet annually to elect a new class of Vigil Honor Members. In order to serve on the nominating committee, one must not be eligible for the Vigil Honor. All active youth Vigil Honor members and one representative from each chapter will be invited to serve on the nominating committee. The line of succession for the VIGIL CHIEF shall be appointed by the outgoing Vigil Chief with approval from the Lodge Advisor, and it should be understood to remain in this role for the entire duration of time that the Arrowman has left as a youth member. The Vigil Chief should participate in evaluations at NOAC if able.
- The PLANNING COMMITTEE is responsible for all knowledge and training sessions, and for spirit and competition preparation for the Cornerstone Conclave. Along with the Quest Event and Totem Pole Committee, the Planning Committee shall also oversee all preparation for the Cornerstone Conclave.
- The CEREMONIES COMMITTEE is responsible for ensuring the Ordeal ceremonies, Brotherhood ceremonies, and any other ceremonies conducted by the Lodge comply with National policies and guidelines. The Ceremonies Committee is responsible for equipping each team with suitable and historically accurate regalia with the assistance of the American Indian Activities Advisor. The Ceremonies Committee is also responsible for the formation of teams to compete in ceremonies competitions at the Cornerstone Conclave and NOAC.
- The DANCE COMMITTEE is responsible for preparing the Lodge Historical Group Dance Team for competitions at the Cornerstone Conclave, and any other performances where they will be representing the Lodge. The Dance Committee is also responsible for assisting individual dancers (Grass, Fancy, etc.) who wish to represent the Lodge at competitions or other events.
- The DRUM/SING COMMITTEE is responsible for preparing the Lodge Drum/Sing Team for competitions at the Cornerstone Conclave, and any other performances where they will be representing the Lodge.
- The CAMP PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for promoting camping and Camp Old Indian in troops within the Blue Ridge Council. The Camp Promotions Committee shall reach out to the Blue Ridge Council Camping Committee for guidance and ensure that Order of the Arrow Troop Representatives in the Blue Ridge Council are routinely promoting Camp Old Indian and other camping opportunities.
- The WEB AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE is responsible for development and routine updates of the Lodge website, Lodge social media accounts, and shall assist with any technology utilized at Lodge events, if necessary.
- The PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for working with the Vice-Chief of Communication to publish the yearly LODGE PLANBOOK, issues of the LITTLE CARPENTER, and any other publications deemed necessary by the Vice-Chief of Communication.
- The SERVICE COMMITTEE is responsible for planning and leading service projects to be done at Fellowships, Ordeals, and Lodge-wide days of service. The Service Committee shall recruit participants and obtain materials for service projects with assistance from the Camp Ranger.
- The BROTHERHOOD COMMITTEE is responsible for notifying Brotherhood eligible Ordeal members of the Lodge of their eligibility to seal their membership. The Brotherhood Committee is also responsible for assisting the Inductions Committee with Brotherhood Questioning. Working with the Lodge Secretary and Vice-Chief of Inductions, the Brotherhood Committee shall encourage inactive Arrowmen to renew their membership and to participate in Lodge activities. The Brotherhood Committee shall also oversee the Lodge’s “Quest for Brotherhood” program and “Get your Bars” campaign.
- The INDUCTIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for ensuring that the Ordeal and Brotherhood inductions comply with National policies and guidelines. The Inductions committee is responsible for carrying out every aspect of Ordeals, recruiting Elangomats and Nimats, and overseeing Brotherhood Questioning at Lodge events and assisting the Ceremonies Committee in preparing the ceremonial grounds.
- The DESIGN COMMITTEE is responsible for the design of Lodge merchandise items to be presented for approval at Executive Committee Meetings and oversee the design of the upcoming year’s event patch set to be presented for approval at the Fall Fellowship Executive Committee Meeting.
- The QUEST EVENT AND TOTEM POLE COMMITTEE is responsible for Quest events run by Chapters at Lodge Fellowships, and the complete preparation for the Quest for the Golden Arrow competitions at the Cornerstone Conclave. Additionally, this Committee shall oversee preparation of a totem pole carving team that shall compete at the Cornerstone Conclave.
- The UNIT SERVICE AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for ensuring that all Chapters are conducting elections in compliance with National policies and guidelines, and ensuring that all Chapters submit appropriate paperwork regarding elections. Additionally, the Unit Service and Elections Committee shall oversee promotion of the Unit of Excellence Award and provide guidance to Order of the Arrow Troop Representatives in the Blue Ridge Council.
- The HISTORY COMMITTEE is responsible for maintaining the historical records of the Lodge, and shall ensure that the LODGE HISTORY BOOK, LODGE PLANBOOK, and website historical records are kept updated and revised routinely. The History Committee shall also assist in the assembly of the latest edition of the Lodge’s PATCH AND MEMORABILIA GUIDE.
- The Executive Committee shall see that the Lodge runs on a smooth yearly calendar.
- The Executive Committee shall publish in the Lodge newsletter a yearly calendar which shall include:
- Lodge meetings
- Lodge events
- Executive Committee meetings
- This calendar, which is subject to change by the Executive Committee, shall be drawn up as soon as possible after the installment of new Lodge Officers.
- The Chairman of each standing and special Committee shall be appointed by the Lodge Officer overseeing that Committee, with the approval of the Lodge Chief and Lodge Advisor.
- The Chairman of each Committee (standing and special) shall appoint his/her own Committee members with the approval of the overseeing Lodge Officer.
- The Advisors of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Lodge Advisor with the approval of the Lodge Chief and Lodge Staff Advisor.
- All Committee Chairmen shall be under 21 years of age.
- The Executive Committee shall schedule at least four (4) Lodge events per year.
- The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, schedule any Lodge events.
- Regular Executive Committee Meetings shall be conducted only when all Committee members have been notified in writing at least seven (7) days in advance of such a meeting by the Lodge Secretary.
- Each Executive Committee Meeting and Lodge or Chapter meeting shall be opened with the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow and closed with the Order of the Arrow Song.
- The Lodge Chief may call a special Executive Committee Meeting with the prior approval of the Scout Executive or his/her designee.
- A quorum for Executive Committee Meetings shall consist of the Executive Committee members under 21 years of age attending the meeting.
- Only active members of Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 shall have a vote in any decision of the Lodge.
- The only authorized attire at Lodge functions is the class “A” Scouts BSA, Venturing BSA, or Sea Scouts BSA uniform with the Order of the Arrow sash unless class “B” is authorized by the Lodge Chief or presiding officer.
- Chapters exist to further the effectiveness of the Lodge.
- Each Chapter shall come under the supervision of the Chapter Advisor and the District Scout Executive in whose service area the Chapter serves.
- Each district of the Blue Ridge Council shall be entitled to form a Chapter of the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge, provided that the requirements listed below are met, and with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee and the Scout Executive:
- Each Chapter shall have at least five (5) Arrowmen of the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge.
- Each Chapter shall have an adult Advisor.
- Each Chapter shall have regular meetings, preferably at least six (6) per year.
- Each Chapter meeting shall be opened with the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow and closed with the Order of the Arrow Song.
- Each Chapter shall have at least two (2) service projects per year.
- Each Chapter shall review the Ordeal ceremony once per year, going over what is meant by the ceremony.
- Each Chapter shall comply with the procedures established by the Executive Committee for the recognition of Chapters.
- Each Chapter must provide Order of the Arrow elections to the Units in their respective Districts by the designated deadline, and present a camp promotion program to all Units in their Districts that request one.
- The Chapters of Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 shall be as follows:
- Allogagan Wulit (He Who Serves Best), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Saluda River District.
- Ani-Waya (The Wolf Clan), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Southbounder District.
- Ca-Nu-Pa (The Keepers of the Peace Pipe), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Six & Twenty District.
- Inali (Black Fox), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Oconee District.
- Machtagen Tulpe (Warrior Turtle), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Long Cane District.
- Oconostota (Named for the Cherokee Warrior), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Reedy Falls District.
- Oolenoy (The River), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Pickens District.
- Sahkanaga (Blue Mountains of God), serving the scouts of the [legacy] Foothills District.
- The Chapter Officers shall be the Chapter Chief, Chapter Vice Chief, and Chapter Secretary.
- Their duties shall be similar to those of the corresponding Lodge Officers.
- Larger Chapters may have more officers with the approval of the Executive Committee.
- The Chapter Chief shall normally represent his/her Chapter at Executive Committee Meetings.
- The Chapter Chief shall appoint another brother, normally the Chapter Vice Chief, to serve in his/her absence at Executive Committee Meetings.
- If any Officer other than the Chapter Chief does not do his/her job for any reasonable reason, the Chapter Chief, after gaining approval of the Chapter Advisor and the Lodge Chief, may call a new election at the next Chapter meeting. The Chapter Officer whose performance is under question must be consulted before the election to see if he/she wishes to retain his/her office.
- If a Chapter Chief does not do his/her duty for any reasonable reason, the Chapter Vice Chief, after gaining approval of the Chapter Advisor and the Lodge Chief, may call a new election at the next Chapter meeting. The Chapter Chief whose performance is under question must be consulted before the election to see if he/she wishes to retain his/her office.
- All Chapters shall conduct their elections at Fall Fellowship and must notify the Lodge Chief of the results by the end of the weekend. Elections may be scheduled at another time only with the approval of the Lodge Chief.
- Any Chapter desiring to do so may conduct its own Callout ceremony, as long as the script, time, date, and place are approved by the Lodge Chief prior to the Callout.
- All expenditures shall be made only with the consent of the Executive Committee present and voting favorably at a regular or called meeting of the Executive Committee. However, necessary expenditures may be approved by the Lodge Key 3 between Executive Committee Meetings.
- The Lodge Secretary shall present an annual budget that shall be published in the LODGE PLANBOOK.
- Dues of the Lodge shall be monitored by the Secretary in the amount of $12.00. The cost of dues may be changed by the Executive Committee with the proposal of an increase coming from the Lodge Staff Advisor.
- The Lodge newsletter, the LITTLE CARPENTER, shall be published at least three (3) weeks before Spring and Fall Fellowship, and then at the joint discretion of the Lodge Chief and the Vice-Chief of Communication.
- The LITTLE CARPENTER shall be sent to all active brothers.
- The Lodge newsletter shall contain the following:
- A letter from the Lodge Chief (should he/she wish to submit one).
- A letter from the Lodge Advisor (should he/she wish to submit one).
- News from each Chapter concerning its projects, ideas, etc. that they wish to submit.
- The LODGE PLANBOOK is published yearly and shall be available to all dues-paid members and new Ordeal members.
- The LODGE PLANBOOK shall contain the following:
- General information for new members.
- Contact information for the Lodge Officers, Advisors, Committees, and Chapters.
- The Lodge Code of Conduct.
- Relevant Lodge Bylaws.
- The Chapter of the Year Award shall be presented at the annual Lodge Winter Banquet to the Chapter receiving the most points in a one year period. The criteria for judging shall be left to the discretion of the Lodge Officers with the approval of the Lodge Advisor.
- The Founder’s Award may be presented to one Brotherhood or Vigil Honor youth and adult member of the Lodge at the annual Lodge Winter Banquet. At an Executive Committee Meeting prior to the Banquet, each Chapter may present two names, one youth and one adult. Two names, one youth and one adult, may be selected from this list by the Executive Committee as honor Lodge members to receive the Founder’s Award. In the event that an Ordeal member is selected, a plaque shall be presented in the place of the Founder’s Award.
- ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall be the final authority in all cases of parliamentary procedure.
- The Lodge Chief may, at his/her discretion, appoint a parliamentarian to help him/her interpret procedural questions.
- The Lodge Chief shall make the members of the Executive Committee familiar with the above-stated authority. The way in which he/she does this is left to his/her discretion.
- The Lodge Rules shall be subject to amendment at any regular Executive Committee Meeting, provided that written notice of such a proposed change has been submitted to all Committee members at least seven (7) days before such a meeting. The proposed change shall have attached to it a list of reasons for the proposed change and the author’s name and title, if any. A majority favorable vote of those present and voting shall be required for such a change to take place.
- Amendments to the Bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee with two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee present and voting.
- Attendance at National, Regional, and Area activities shall be promoted by the Executive Committee.
- Before a brother can attend a Cornerstone Conclave, he/she must attend at least one of the two Lodge Fellowships immediately preceding the Conclave.
- Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 shall provide for one (1) delegate to attend the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) and National Leadership Seminar (NLS), not including transportation fees. This delegate shall be the Lodge Chief.
- The Lodge Code of Conduct shall be followed by all Atta Kulla Kulla members attending any Lodge function.
- National, Regional, and Area activities shall be overseen by the Vice-Chief of Conclave and Spirit and his/her associated Committees.
- Each brother honored by the lodge with the Vigil Honor shall receive, at no cost to him/her, a Vigil Honor sash and other such materials as may be deemed necessary by the Vigil Honor Committee.
- Any active brother of the Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge may purchase OA supplies at Lodge functions or through an authorized person at summer camp.
- Active members of the Lodge are only authorized to buy supplies which reflect their current or past status of OA membership. All members are encouraged to wear the Lodge flap signifying their current Honor. A red border standard flap shall signify Ordeal membership, a green border flap shall signify Brotherhood membership, and a white border shall signify the Vigil Honor.