Lodge Updates

Fall Activities for AKK

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Greetings Whippoorwills, the summer is reaching a close and looking back, it’s been a great one for the Lodge! With the fall season rapidly approaching, be sure to gather with your local Chapter to stay involved in the Order. At Chapter meetings, you have the opportunity to serve in various roles, have fellowship with other […]


Chiefly Speaking: Welcome New Members

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 To our newest brothers, welcome! This summer, you undertook a great journey as you attended your Order of the Arrow Ordeal. Before this, you may have been well aware of the OA – Scouting’s National Honor Society – and the challenge, meaning, and symbolism involved in the Ordeal. Perhaps your father, mother, older brother, or friend […]


Information for Summer 2017

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Greetings brothers,  We are about to embark on an exciting summer for our lodge! This message contains several important updates on what you need to know. First off, we recently had a historic Executive Committee Meeting this past Sunday. At this meeting, our bylaws were revised and the traditional three flap system will be returning (be […]


Spreading the Word for COI

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Arrowmen, are you an OA Troop Representative? If you answered yes, then it’s time to mobilize! If you’re not one or you’re an adult in your Unit, we can still use your help! One of the foremost duties as Arrowmen is camp promotions.


Hot off the press!

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Arrowmen, the 2016 Winter edition of the Little Carpenter is available for your enjoyment. Please enjoy. https://akk185.org/wp-content/uploads/little-carpentar-spring-16.pdf


MORE on Spring Fellowship

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Hello Fellow Arrowmen, it’s not too late to sign up for the Spring Fellowship this weekend! You can register by visiting our website, www.akk185.org, or by calling the Council Office with the attached registration form. We will also accept a limited amount of walk-ins the Friday of fellowship, but it’s better to register ahead of […]


Spring Fellowship Coming Soon!

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Brothers! Spring fellowship is right around the corner! Friday March 18th through Sunday March 20th will be our Annual Spring Fellowship at Camp Old Indian! We will have patch trading and a movie Friday night in the dining hall, and the always-popular Patch Auction Saturday!


LLDC Schedule

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Hello Brothers! The LLDC and Winter Banquet is quickly approaching, and I’m excited to have you all there! This year’s LLDC will focus on ways you can improve your chapter as well as giving insight into areas of the lodge like American Indian Affairs and inductions.