Greetings Whippoorwills, the summer is reaching a close and looking back, it’s been a great one for the Lodge! With the fall season rapidly approaching, be sure to gather with your local Chapter to stay involved in the Order. At Chapter meetings, you have the opportunity to serve in various roles, have fellowship with other Scouts and Scouters from around the District, and share ideas on how to make your Troops and camping programs stronger back at home.
Chapter Meetings are very fun! For example, my Chapter, Ani-Wa-Ya (Southbounder District/ Simpsonville-Fountain Inn-Mauldin area), always hosts a huge Halloween party in October for its members. Other Chapters like Oconostota (Reedy Falls District/ Downtown Greenville area) have fun trips like going to Gravitopia! These type of experiences are in addition to business like Quest for Brotherhood training, service project planning (such as the Gobbler Grab), and American Indian Activities team practices. If you haven’t been to a Chapter meeting and you’re a new member, please make the trip. You won’t regret it, brother!
On that note of opportunities to cheerfully serve, you can represent your Chapter on the Lodge level (all of the Blue Ridge Council/ Upstate of South Carolina) by joining a committee. The spectrum of our committees is vast ( so there’s bound to be one that interests you! If you are an adult and would be willing to serve, we need your help as well. To join a committee as an adult, please email Lodge Adviser Mickey Stokes ( and myself (
On the local level, Arrowmen should strive to stay active in their District’s OA Chapter. Chapter Meetings are typically fun and provide a great fellowship opportunity in addition to business such as preparing for Fellowships and conducting local service projects. Please contact your local Chapter Adviser to find out when your Scouts can attend the next monthly Chapter meeting.
Chapter Advisers:
– Allogagan Wulit (Saluda River District):
o Adviser Christopher Ammons
o Email:
– Ani-Wa-Ya (Southbounder District):
o Adviser John Worthy
o Email:
– Ca-Nu-Pa (6 & 20 District):
o Adviser Darrell Green
o Email:
– Inali (Oconee District):
o Adviser Ben Rosenberger
o Email:
– Machtagen Tulpe (Long Cane District):
o Adviser Rick Turner
o Email:
– Oconostota (Reedy Falls District):
o Adviser Steve Broadwater
o Email:
– Oolenoy (Pickens District):
o Adviser Robert Trebilcock
o Email:
– Sahkanaga (Foothills District):
o Adviser Glenn Davis
o Email:
Finally, the BIG event is on the horizon: Fall Fellowship 2017. That’s right, folks. On the weekend of November 17-19, 2017, the Lodge will be hosting this legendary event where hundreds of Arrowmen from all around our state pilgrimage to our home-away-from-home at Camp Old Indian. This is an event you DO NOT want to miss! Spirit, food, fun, fellowship – the best Scouting trip of the year! To sign up, be sure to find the registration attached to this email. We all hope to see you there! WWW
In the Spirit of our Founders,
Matthew Watson | Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge Chief