
Additional Spring Fellowship Info

2014 Spring Fellowship is 2 days away!!!!
Here are a couple of items for all attendees. Bring a water bottle for use at Camp Old Indian. Only a few areas of camp will have running water this weekend. Also, be prepared for some potential wet weather this weekend per the forecast. But we know how accurate the weather service has been recently.
Also, as our VCA has already mentioned:
Have patches ready to trade for Friday night’s patch trading session. Bring cash for the annual AKK patch auction on Saturday night. Be ready with your spirit for the spirit assembly before Saturday Lunch. Several camp projects will take place at Fellowship so be sure to bring work clothes. The service projects are cleaning up the ceremonial circles, removing trash from the OA building, and hauling debris away from the Quartermaster shed. Oconostota will also be doing a project and is in need of several cordless drills. Tools needed for the other projects include shears and mattocks.
And be ready for the best Atta Kulla Kulla Spring Fellowship ever!!!