In the Order of the Arrow, there are no ranks. Every member is equal, and every member is entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in the Order. However, it is important to advance in your understanding of the Order and your Ordeal through attaining Brotherhood membership. The process of preparing yourself for Brotherhood membership is explained in the Order of the Arrow Handbook, which you should have received when you went through your ordeal. An Ordeal member becomes eligible for Brotherhood membership six months after completing his Ordeal. You must meet five challenges before you can enter the Circle of Brotherhood:
1. Memorize the signs of Arrow membership – this includes the Obligation, the Order of the Arrow Official Song, the Admonition, the sign of Ordeal membership, and the Arrow handclasp.
2. Advance in your understanding of the Ordeal.
3. Serve your unit. Retain registration in Scouting and expand your service.
4. Plan for service in the lodge. Retain registration in the lodge and keep your dues paid. Brotherhood membership involves a pledge to serve the lodge, and you should develop a specific idea on how to do this service.
5. Review your progress. When you earnestly feel that you have met the first 4 challenges, write a letter to the Lodge Secretary, covering the topics described in the Order of the Arrow Handbook. This letter will be turned in at Camp Old Indian before your Questioning.
To complete your Brotherhood membership, you will need to attend the Brotherhood Questioning and Ceremony, which you can study for by looking through the questions in your handbook as well as the helpful links listed at the bottom of the page. Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge has Brotherhood Questioning and ceremonies on Saturdays at Spring and Fall Fellowship.
The “Get Your Bars!” Program
Chapter Level:
– Chapter Chief Promotion and Reminder of Opportunities (Fellowships and each Summer Camp week)
– Emphasize to their Chapters that the induction into the Order of the Arrow is a two-part process which ends with Brotherhood conversion
– Monitor which members are eligible and persist for them to convert
– Report to the Lodge Administration
Troop Level:
– Troop Representatives encourage Brotherhood conversion to troop members who are eligible
– Work to prevent any “sash and dash” cases on an individual basis
– Report to the Chapter administration