The Vigil Honor was first bestowed upon the Order of the Arrow’s founder, Dr. E. Urner Goodman, a century ago in 1915.
It is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those OA members who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office to one or more of the following: their Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting or their Council Scout camp.
Each year, Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge has an opportunity to honor some of its members by selecting them for the Vigil Honor. Anyone who has been a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow for two or more years as of February 2016, and has their dues paid in Scouting and the Lodge is eligible for consideration. If you know of a fellow Lodge member who meets the criteria then please feel free to complete the enclosed Vigil Honor Nomination Form and return it by February 6, 2016, to the AKK Vigil Honor Chairman, Matthew Watson. The Vigil Honor Nominating Committee will carefully review any recommendations received for consideration.
In the Wimachtendienk,
Matthew Watson
Vigil Honor Nomination Form 2016