
MORE on Spring Fellowship

11207277_10152931643281776_4669066919097429902_nHello Fellow Arrowmen, it’s not too late to sign up for the Spring Fellowship this weekend! You can register by visiting our website,, or by calling the Council Office with the attached registration form. We will also accept a limited amount of walk-ins the Friday of fellowship, but it’s better to register ahead of time!
We look forward to seeing you and hope you’re ready for a great weekend! Registration at the council office closes at 4PM on Friday. Register online at:

For a list of the activities, please see the attached schedule of activities. Lots of fun for the weekend.

Finally, if you have any pictures, patches, or other AKK memorabilia that you want to donate to the time capsule, this will be the last time. Even if it is a picture of yourself in your scout uniform and sash. All this will be sealed up and buried in the coming weeks.

Look forward to seeing everyone up there at COI.


2016 Lodge Officers

2016 Atta Kulla Kulla Spring Fellowship Schedule Final

AKK Registration Form 2016