Hello Arrowmen, mark your calendars! We’re going to kick off the 75th anniversary of the Lodge with cheerful service and your help is needed on January 10 to serve on the Lodge Trail Crew.
Oconostota Chapter has already stepped up to help and we need more volunteers. The workday date of January 3 is being put aside to make this one a larger and more successful effort.
The trail from White Pines to COI will be a major focus along with renovations to the COI nature trail. All tools will be provided and please arrive at 9 AM at the COI parking lot. Plan to work until 5 PM or until work is complete for the day. Be sure to bring a water bottle, work clothes and gloves, snacks, lunch, and most importantly a cheerful spirit. If possible, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to Vic Shelburne at (VSHLBRN@clemson.edu).
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you there!
In Cheerful Service,
Matthew Watson
Vice Chief of Communications